About Me
My interest in ceramics was kindled during my career in educational travel. Based in Boston USA for over 20 years, I was fortunate to travel extensively, including several trips to the Far East, and was exposed to the fascinating traditions and forms of ceramic art around the world.
In 1993 I moved back to the UK to settle in Norfolk, raise a family and make a career change. Following my dream of becoming a potter, I trained for 2 years at the College of West Anglia, where we were given free rein to develop our own styles. I then set up my own studio at home, where I continue to work to achieve the elegant shapes I want.
My interest lies more in form than in decoration, and my work embodies a simplicity that I first encountered in the Oriental potters and in the European potters they influenced. I concentrate mainly on thrown pieces, which invite a conversation with the space around and within them.
I also make hand built pieces, exploring the character of the clay and giving it more independence, experimenting with hand built forms.
Clay comes from nature and to work with it, is both to touch nature and be part of it – a process I love and find continually challenging.